educational adj. 教育(上)的;有关教育的。 the educational course 学历。 an educational worker 教育工作者。 an educational film 教育影片。 educational expenses 教育费。 an educational undertaking 教育事业。 adv. -ly 教育上,用教育方式。 -(al)ist n. 〔英国〕 1.教师。 2.教育学家。
The evolution of methodology of educational sociology 教育社会学方法论的历史演变
Features of the methodology of educational sociology 教育社会学的方法论特征
Retrospect of educational sociology in the mainland of china in the 20th century 20世纪中国大陆教育社会学的回顾
The chinese traditionary culture in the visual field of educational sociology 教育社会学视界中的中国传统文化论略
Class as a junior commune or a social organization an empirical study of the debate in educational sociology 一个教育社会学论争的实证性解释和结论
In the field of educational sociology , durkheim posed the eufunction of education at an earlier period 在教育社会学的视野中,迪尔凯姆较早表达了教育正向功能的观点。
In the research , theories from pedagogy , sociology and educational sociology are applied as well as historical research , document analysis and comparison 本文依据教育学、社会学、教育社会学等学科的有关理论,对教师专业化及其发展作了一些探讨。
Based on the theory of physical - educational sociology , consuming behavior , physical - educational economics and martial arts , the author , with the methods of documents , social survey and statistics lucubrates development strategies of performance market of martial arts ' forms 摘要以体育社会学、消费行为学、体育经济学、武术学等理论为基础,采用了文献资料、社会调查、数理统计等研究方法,就武术套路竞赛市场开发策略等问题进行了深入研究。
Based on the theories of educational sociology and rural development , a case study was carried out in jiangyin , an economically developed county in wuxi , jiangsu province to summarize the experiences and to identify factors affecting the rural community education 本文依据教育社会学和农村发展学原理,以经济较发达的江苏无锡江阴市为个案,在对该地区农村社区教育的历史及现状进行分析的基础上,剖析了该地区社区教育实践成功的相关推动因素。
The research trends in educational sociology in mainland china are : from the system awareness to problem awareness , from binary to multiple values ; from value neutrality to critical participation ; from only paying attention to academic mission to laying equal stress on academic and social missions 大陆教育社会学研究的趋势是:由体系意识转向问题意识;由二元对立走向多元综合;由价值中立走向批判参与;由只重学术使命到学术使命与社会使命并重。